Monday, July 17, 2006

Checkmate Iran

No one would argue that the United States would like to solely control the world’s resources of petroleum and its routes of transportation. Saudi Arabia has had the largest known oil reserves in the world and happens to be friendly with the US. This long-term friendship has guaranteed an uninterrupted flow of oil to the US and allowed the kingdom to afford large expensive contracts with US companies.

After securing the kingdom and probably due to rumors of a possible drop in its oil production, the US became aware of the importance of securing other sources of oil. Canada has the second largest oil reserve in the world and probably has no interest in antagonizing the US. The fourth oil reserve is Iraq and is currently pumping under US occupation 2.5 million barrels per day. The third oil reserve and the jewel of the oil crown is Iran with 133 gigabarrels of oil and an averages 1.5 gigabarrels per year, 25% of that during the shah's rule of Iran. Accordingly, taking over Iran would be the next big thing for any oil hungry nation.

Hizb Allah in southern Lebanon and Syria are the main obstacles for the US in taking over Iran. Any attack on Iran would result in a major assault on Israel. Such an attack would mobilize the hibernating Arab World and could lead to a disastrous war. Therefore, is seems logical that before attacking Iran, the US has to reduce these threats of Israel’s neighbors.

How can that happen?

The first move was UN resolution 1559 on September 2, 2004. It called upon Syria to end its military presence in Lebanon and upon all Lebanese militia to disband. This resolution angered the Syrian government. The Lebanese politician and journalists motivated by their nationalism played into the American plot and kept attacking Syria at every occasion.

Nothing much happened until the assassination of Lebanon's beloved former Prime Minister Rafik Al Hariri. Major anti-Syrian demonstrations ereupted and the international community applied massive pressure on Syria to leave Lebanon. The Syrian troops were out of Lebanon by September 26, 2005. By that, the US concluded the second move and it had three major consequence: Hizb Allah does not have the direct physical support of Syria (weaker), Syria cannot restrain Hizb Allah if it needs to (loose), and Lebanon is in violation of UN resolution 1559.

The third move is to disarm Hizb Allah. It is clear from the current conflict that Israel has been preparing for a massive attack on Lebanon. Israel’s purposes are punishing the Lebanese for violating resolution 1559 and implementing that resolution! It is very interesting to note that the current government in Lebanon was democratically elected and was supported by the US and France, that aren't doing much to stop the slaughter of innocents.

Move four will be pressuring Syria to cave in once Hizb Allah is disarmed. The last political cards in Syria’s hand are the fledgling radical Palestinian groups, a stock of chemical weapons, and the instability of Iraq. We should also remember that Syria is still the main suspect in the assassination of Hariri and that investigation is not closed yet. Its outcome will definitely play into the crushing of Damascus’s will.

This gradual pealing of all the layer of power that Iran has built over time will leave her naked for Uncle Sam to consume, the checkmate.


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