Saturday, May 17, 2008

Lebanon: Stop

It really hurts. It hurts to see our brothers and sisters in Lebanon go through such period of fear and worry. It hurts to see so many suffer, out of their home, out of their businesses, or worst; out of life. Lebanon that was always a leader in education, commerce, and intellect in the Arab World and the destination for any Arab going forward, is now once again on the verge of collapse due to the battle of egos. The egos are of those inside or outside its borders. A solid Lebanon in my mind is not only a right for all the Lebanese, it is important for the Arabs for three reasons:
  1. It is an important frontier in the conflict between the Arabs and Israel. If Lebanon nationalizes the 400,00 Palestinians and end the fight for Shibaa farm, Syria looses its chances of getting the Golan, and the Palestinians will have no negotiating power. Lebanon will be the domino that ends the Arab-Israeli conflict. Lebanon is the weakest link.
  2. Lebanon is the most heterogeneous county in the Arab World. A fragmented Lebanon or one that is ruled by an oppressive minority will signal the beginning of other minority wars. Wars that will fragment Syria, Iraq, and even Saudi Arabia.
  3. Lebanon was the seed of Arab Nationalism. Its collapse will only mean the end of this project.

So, you and you and you too: get together, stop fighting and rebuild Lebanon.


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