Friday, October 31, 2008

Hope Obama

I have been listening to and reading commentaries more than ever in the last two weeks looking for the arguments that would make Obama better than McCain other than: he is just like Bush, and finally I heard it yesterday on NPR. It was from a young lady that lives with her family in a farm. She were educated, had children, and elected to be a farmer. She spoke softly and eloquently. She said, and I am paraphrasing: we need a president with a lot of hope to give us all hope. Her words reflected the depressive universal desperation that we are seeing all over this  country. It is not about a solution, it is about a leader. A leader that will hold the torch and light the way. A leader that will feel the pain of the people. It is for a leader with a new vision, a new philosophy, a new  paradigm. I believe that the election of Obama is the rebirth of America,  the beginning of the new post-information, post outsourcing revolution, the new world. It will be painful, but it will joyous. So let us hope.


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