Wednesday, March 05, 2008

How Should Arab Americans Vote?

From my little chats with friend her and there, they all, and rightly so, are concerned with war in the Arab East and mostly about Palestine. Many try to track presidential candidate to measure their tendencies. Is he pro Arab, is she pro Israel, did he give speeches for the Jewish lobby, etc. Over the last 50 years, not a single American president was pro Arab, not even a candidate was openly pro Arab. Presidents come and go, candidates come and go, and the situation in the Arab East just gets worse for the Arabs.
The concerns of Arab Americans are understandable but irrelevant to the political process. Arab Americans do not have any power to change the course of events in the East. The events have geopolitical, economic, and historical forces that are out of the control of immigrant communities, especially a small fragmented one like ours. Therefore, Arab American should be truthful and consistent with their mission, and should vote to whoever makes their life better her in the US, because that is why they are immigrants in this country, searching for a better life. They should leave the power struggle for those in power and their people, they know better.

Is America Demented

I was wrong in my humble predictions and it does not really matter. What matters is that the big winner yesterday was the Republican Party that seems to be joining forces with Mrs. Cliniton against Obama. The republicans clearly favor running against Hillary. She is a woman, she was pro war, ex first lady, she is white, and she is from New York. A white republican pilot, pro war from Arizona will have a good chance against her especially that black and independent voters that supported Obama might abandon her in the general election if she were the democratic nominee. After such punishment, her only remaining strength would be the hispanic vote and it might just not work.

McCain and Clinton used fear tactics to scare voters from the terrorist hiding next door waiting to ignite himself once Obama is elected, especially that his middle name is Hussein; like in Saddam Hussein! I will be greatly disappointed if this technique works again. It will only mean that the general public has no short-term memory, 4 years is short-time in history scale. In medical terms, such loss of short term memory is the central feature in the diagnosis of dementia.