Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Dear Mr. Schorr

Dear Mr. Schorr

I was quite surprised by your commentary on NPR yesterday. You seemed puzzled by the death of the peace process and concerned that extremists have hijacked the Middle East. Your analysis shows typical optimism and shortsightedness.

The peace process was born dead. As you know, multiple UN resolutions have clearly defined the goals and guideline for the resolution of the conflict in the Middle East, self determination, establishment of an independent state for Palestinians, return of dispossessed refugees and Jerusalem, and the removal of the Jewish settlements. Israel is in violation of most of these UN resolutions and the peace process was its way of out blame. Israel was able to build a complex web of agreements and structures that made any peace impossible. What is wrong with giving back all of the occupied land for an ever lasting peace.

As for the second item on your bewilderment list, the rising power of Hamas and Hizb Allah, you should probably read The Nation’s online editorial posted on July 14. The two organizations have risen to fill power gaps. These gaps are the result of American and Israeli policies that weakened the Palestinian authority and the Lebanese government, both were democratically elected .

Yours truely


Blogger Amr T said...

Good to have you here bro.

9:20 PM  

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