Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Including Syria - A Domino Effect for Peace

The key for the US to wage war against Iran, or at least reduce its threat, is to pacify Syria. I do not think that Syria's allegiance with Iran and Hezbollah is eternal. Syria has always accepted the American carrot and therefore, we should give it one more! The least expensive carrot to pacify Syria that would even make it change sides would be to return the Golan heights -- restarting negotiations this time around might not be enough. The return of the heights will also force the Syrian government to focus on domestic issues, particularly economic and political reform, area's which the international community can engage with Syria through peaceful diplomatic means to affect change. The return of the heights will also create the chance for Iran to step back and re-evaluate its position on nuclear development and would also bring down one of the strongest argument used by Al-Qaida to wage war agent Arabs and the West especially if Israel solves the Palestinian question. This is not giving in to terror, this is giving back people their land to start a domino for peace.


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